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What's in a name?


Mark 10:46-49

Matthew 20:29–34, Luke 18:35–43, John 9:8, Matthew 9:27, Mark 1:24, Matthew 19:13

What’s in a Name?

Bartimaeus is not the name of the blind man or not exactly.

Greek Meaning;

bar, in Greek means son and Timai is the name of the blind man’s father and his name means highly prized or esteemed.

They called him blind son of Timai.

How would you like to be called by your weakest trait or infirmity? Day after day affirming your weakness.

He was blind , but his father was highly prized.

A constant comparison of his lack with his father’s success.

It would seem that he had accepted his lot in life. He put on his beggars cloak(his legal right to beg and receive money)and sat there day after day begging from the rich passers by.

Did he accept his lot, though?

Apparently he had heard about Jesus because he shouted out to him and he knew Jesus’ title

“Son of David or Messiah”.

He believed that Jesus was the coming Savior.

He shouted out for the covenant of mercy. This man had heard the Word and believed.

He didn’t give up.

He didn’t care if he looked foolish or if he was causing a disturbance.

He cried out all the more!

He was persistent!

He was blind, but his father was highly prized.

Are you living in spiritual blindness, lack, less than perfect conditions? Do you need healing, peace, finances?

Your Heavenly Father is highly prized!

King of Kings!

You are bar- Timai. Son or daughter of The most Prized.

What’s in a name?

Are you still calling yourself by the names and labels your past put on you?

Jesus gave you a new name. You are His bride! Your name is now highly prized and you have been given all the authority and power that goes with it!

Say your name!

Chosen of God, Son or daughter of the King, highly favored, precious, one worth dying for….

Are you still wearing your beggars cloak or have you put on the new?

Jesus came to restore our inheritance!

The Blessing! We have a covenant with Almighty God!

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