Mark 9:14-16
Cross references
Check out the 25 scriptures about arguing at this link:
What are you arguing about?
While Jesus, Peter, James and John were on the mountain, the other nine disciples were busy arguing with the scribes.
When Jesus comes back on the scene He asks, “What’s all the fuss about?”(My verbiage)
First of all, the nine were separated from Jesus.
Did you ever notice we are most likely to be tempted when we are separated from the group?
When we are alone with our thoughts and feelings or alone with non believers, (separated from the group), we are more vulnerable.
It is very important to stay connected to a group of believers. A church community. Assembling together regularly helps us build our faith.
Unlike the disciples, we are never truly separated from Jesus because the Holy Spirit lives inside of us. We have 24/7 access.
Are we utilizing our unlimited access?
If you feel separated, take a quick check up and ask yourself,
What am I arguing about?
Is there unforgiveness in my heart toward another?
Am I arguing with God about doing something He is asking me to do?
Have I allowed myself to partake in arguments about religion or politics?
Arguing only diminishes our faith and depletes our energy.
It is impossible to never find yourself alone and being alone is meant to be a time of refreshment.
Preparation for alone time is important.
How do I do that?
Take time to gather together with believers regularly to build up your faith and you will be better prepared for the times when you find yourself alone.
Focus on Jesus and remember that you are never truly alone.
Come into agreement with God’s Word and leave the arguing at the door.