Day 5
Cross references
Matthew 3:17, John 12:28, 2 Peter 1:17, Mark 5:43, Malachi 4:5, Luke 23:11, Matthew 11:14, John 1:21
Listen to Him.
Jesus told the disciples many things about His death, burial and resurrection, but they couldn’t conceive it. They reasoned among themselves.
Does that sound like us?
Instead of going to the source, The Word; we ask each other.
The disciples didn’t have easy access to the scriptures like we do. They were most likely much more familiar with the written law than we are, but mostly they had to rely on memory. They couldn’t just whip out a big scroll as they sat by the fire.
They were living with The Word (Jesus) in the flesh, but they didn’t know it.
We have the Holy Spirit inside us and very easy access to the written Word. We can pull it up on our phone almost anywhere and anytime.
Funny how we still choose to ask each other rather than going to the source.
Who are you listening to?
We have access if we listen to Him.