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The Lord has need of it.


Mark 11:1-7

Cross references

Zachariah 14:4,

Matthew 21:17,

Luke 19:28-35

Matthew 21:1–7

The Lord has need of it.

A young colt that had never been ridden would have been quite valuable to it’s owner.

Bethphage in Aramaic means - place of the stables. I suppose this was were one could board their animals and even buy or rent one. It was outside the main city of Jerusalem.

If someone came and started up your car and said, “ the Master has need of it.” What would you say?

They also took the Mamma donkey as well, according to Matthew’s account.

Seems a little far out for this day and age doesn’t it?

What if you have opportunity to give to a charity or ministry?

The Lord has need of it.

We are God’s hands and feet on this earth. He needs us to be faithful when He asks.

This is hard because we think that giving is subtraction from our needs being met. We see it as taking away from what we have.

In reality, giving is multiplication. When you sow a tiny seed what does it produce? One kernel of corn produces a whole stalk of corn with at least one ear on it and that ear has multiple kernels on it.

Giving is sowing. You give to God for His purpose and Trust Him as your source of supply.

“Give generously and generous gifts will be given back to you, shaken down to make room for more. Abundant gifts will pour out upon you with such an overflowing measure that it will run over the top! The measurement of your generosity becomes the measurement of your return.””

‭‭Luke‬ ‭6:38‬ ‭TPT‬‬

That is how The Kingdom of God operates.

The Lord has need of it.

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