Week 2
R is for Reliance
This is our second week taking a deep dive into prayer.
I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.
Philippians 4:13 KJV
When I have read that verse in the past I felt defeated.
How about you?
I know it is supposed to motivate me, but as I read it I was focusing on myself and found it hard to understand that I could be strong.
Recently I have come to understand that Jesus is the focus in all scripture. We are not strong. That is why we have to depend and rely on God!
He shows off His strength in our weakness.
The passion translation of this verse explains it like this:
…And I find that the strength of Christ’s explosive power infuses me to conquer every difficulty.”
Philippians 4:13 TPT
Without Jesus’ power, I can’t do it.
This is great news!!
I was told repeatedly as a child that
“You can’t do it. You’re just a stupid girl!”
This statement led me to be in competition with my older brothers only to fall short.
I learned to give up on everything that didn’t come easy because I was afraid that if I tried my best and failed that everyone would find out that what my grandfather had shouted over me was, in fact true.
I was just a stupid girl!
Thank God that I learned the devil is a liar and an accuser and that he uses people to spread his lies!
Praise Jesus for the truth!!!
Jesus infuses us with His explosive power and because we rely on Him, He abundantly provides victory!
He doesn’t add to our strength or build up our muscles as in, if we workout more or try harder we will be strong enough.
I can do all things simply because He is strong!
His strength takes over when I surrender and rely on Him.
Action Step:
Will you give up today and rely on Him?
We are to be persistent in prayer and praise, not in our own strength.
Fully rely on God! What a beautiful place to be!