1Samuel 7
“Then Samuel said to all the house of Israel, If you are returning to the Lord with all your hearts, then put away the foreign gods and the Ashtaroth [female deities] from among you and direct your hearts to the Lord and serve Him only, and He will deliver you out of the hand of the Philistines. So the Israelites put away the Baals and the Ashtaroth, and served the Lord only.”
1 Samuel 7:3-4 AMPC
Cross references
Joshua 24:14;
Genesis 35:2;
Deuteronomy 6:13
One God
It is easy to say one God, but what does that look like?
The Israelites had a hard time separating themselves from the ways of the other people around them.
Does that sound familiar today?
Jesus came that we would be free from the world and set apart to shine His light into the darkness.
When we act like the general population by worrying and complaining, it is like we are closing the curtain of our picture window.
The light can only shine through dimly.
The ways of the world lead to death.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not rely on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He WILL make your path straight.
Proverbs 3:5-7
He can only guide your path if the curtain is open.
The light can’t shine in or out if the curtain is closed or partially open.
It’s time to do some deep cleaning in our hearts and open the curtain wide to expose the light of Jesus in us so that others can find the way.
Action Step
Check your mouth. Are you complaining or praising?
Check your eyes and ears.
What are you letting in?