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Hypocrites, blind fools, vipers and serpents!


Mark 12:38-40

“Jesus also taught the people, “Beware of the religious scholars. They love to parade around in their clergy robes and be greeted with respect on the street. They crave to be made the leaders of synagogue councils, and they push their way to the head table at banquets. For appearance’s sake, they will pray long religious prayers at the homes of widows for an offering, cheating them out of their very livelihood. Beware of them all, for they will one day be stripped of honor, and the judgment they receive will be severe.””

‭‭Mark‬ ‭12:38-40‬ ‭TPT‬‬

Cross references

Matthew 23:1–36;

Luke 20:45–47, 11:43 Matthew 6:7

Hypocrites, blind fools, vipers, and serpents!

Matthew’s account of this scene is very graphic. Jesus uses extremely strong language against the religious leaders and teachers of that day.

Seven times he calls them hypocrites.

He warns us here to be careful who we listen to.

He draws attention to their actions. They don’t practice what they preach.

It is so important to know God’s Word for yourself!

Man’s outward appearance can be so misleading.

God looks on the inside of a matter. He knows our hearts.

Be careful not to read over this with a judging eye. We all have been hypocrites a time or two or three…

Heed this warning and examine yourself.

Do not take my or anyone else’s word to be true or flawless. Know the Word of God for yourself so you will not be lead astray.

My hope is that my comments will be as a prompting for you, a seed to be watered and fertilized by the Holy Spirit. He is the only true teacher.

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