Day 2
Mark 13:20-23
“Unless God limits those days, no one would escape. But because of his love for his chosen ones, he will shorten that time of trouble. “And if you hear reports from people, saying, ‘Look, the Messiah is over here,’ or, ‘The Messiah is over there!’ don’t believe it. For there will be imposters falsely claiming to be God’s ‘Anointed One.’ And false prophets will arise to perform miracle signs, and if it were possible, they would cause God’s chosen ones to wander off the right track. Be alert, for I prophesy all this will happen!””
Mark 13:20-23 TPT
Cross references
Isaiah 65:8–9; Luke 21:8; Matthew 24:24;
Mark 13:6; Mark 13:5;
2 Peter 3:17
God’s Mercy belongs to me!
We are part of the elect. We elected(chose) to follow Christ. We are adopted into His chosen family!
Thank you God for your unending Mercy!
Be careful that you know your Fathers voice and are not deceived.
Spend time listening to Him in prayer.
What a beautiful voice He has!