Mark 14:53-54
“Those who arrested Jesus led him away to Caiaphas, the high priest, to a meeting where the religious scholars and Jewish leaders were assembled. Now, Peter had followed him from a distance all the way to the chief priest’s courtyard. He sat with the guards and was warming himself by the fire.”
Mark 14:53-54 TPT
Cross references
Matthew 26:3, John 18:18
From a Distance
Do you ever feel like you are distant from Jesus?
Sometimes it can seem like He is far away.
Other times we feel Him up close and personal.
Keep pressing in to Him. Keep praying even when He feels like He is at a distance.
I assure you He is right there with you.
He said He would never leave you or forsake you.
Hebrews 14:5-6, Deuteronomy 31:6-8
He also said I will not leave you without a comforter. John 14:18
I love to wrap myself up in a soft cozy comforter.
Examine your relationship with Jesus, are you following from a distance, not fully persuaded of who He is? Is your faith a little wobbly? Maybe you are sure He can do all things, but you are not sure He will do it for you?
Jesus loves you. Yes, you. Messed up you. He is a personal Savior. Your heavenly Father is a good father. He wants to help you in every area of your life.
Move in closer and feel the warmth of the fire inside you. Put out your hands in surrender and let them be warmed by the fire.
It doesn’t matter if you feel distant because He is right there on the inside waiting for you to press in and warm yourself.
Faith doesn’t feel, faith knows and goes!
There is a fire inside you ready to roar.
Throw some kindling on it by spending time praying and studying His word. Stir it up by telling your testimony and watch those sparks ignite and roar