1 Thessalonians 2:5-6
“God is our witness that when we came to encourage you, we never once used cunning compliments as a pretext for greed, nor did we crave the praises of men, whether you or others.”
1 Thessalonians 2:5-6 TPT
Cross references
2 Thessalonians 2:14;
1 Corinthians 4:16;
Acts 13:52
Flattering Words
Paul and the other Apostles for Christ did not use flattering words. They spoke clearly the truth of the Gospel and didn’t worry about what people would think.
Flattery feels good in the moment, however that feeling wears off quickly.
Have you ever known someone who was quick to offer compliments to gain favor and then use that favor for their own gain?
The flattery felt good in the moment, but it stung after the truth of motive was uncovered.
We are to be wise as a serpent, but harmless as Doves. Matthew 10:16
As we follow Paul's example, we display the truth with grace and love.
Truth is not a flatterer. The Gospel is a sharp sword. When used properly it will make a clean cut through the lies of the enemy. Flattery is like a dull sword that tears leaving rough and ragged edges.
Ask Holy Spirit to show you how to sharpen your tongue in love.
Share the Gospel of Jesus in love. There is no greater power.
Love someone today.