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First Things First



1Samuel 8

“And all the elders of Israel gathered together and they came to Samuel at Ramah. They said to him, “You are old and your sons do not walk in your ways. Now, install for us a king to govern us like all the nations.” But the thing was evil in the eyes of Samuel, because they said, “Give us a king to govern us.” And Samuel prayed to the Lord.”

‭‭1 Samuel‬ ‭8‬:‭4‬-‭6‬ ‭MEV‬‬

Cross references

Deuteronomy, 17:14-15;

1Samuel 8:19-20;

1Samuel 15:11;12:17

First Things First

Does this scenario sound familiar in your life?

We take action. It doesn’t go how we planned, in fact it is a mess.

We pray and ask God to fix it.

I know for me, that has been the case way more than I care to admit.

God is faithful. He will always provide an answer. The problem is that the “fix” answer most likely involves enduring some consequences.

As this saga unfolds we will see how this man-made plan backfired.

God never intended for us to be separated from Him or to need a go between.

He has always wanted relationship with us. Each one personally.

The key is always as Jesus said, “Seek first the Kingdom of God and ALL things will be added to you.”

When we move before seeking God, we are actually making ourselves god.

As long as we take matters into our own hands, we are acting as our own god.

He told us to seek Him, to trust Him, not to attempt to be Him.

Sheep are made to follow.

Pray first, wait, and obey!

Action Step

Think about your circumstances.

When we worry or yield to fear, we are in essence making ourselves the god of the situation.

How scary is that?

He did not ask us to be god.

He called us to follow Him.

Pray in faith and that mean’s believe when you ask that you already have the answer!

You have Him!

Meditate on this verse today.

““I leave the gift of peace with you—my peace. Not the kind of fragile peace given by the world, but my perfect peace. Don’t yield to fear or be troubled in your hearts—instead, be courageous!”

‭‭John‬ ‭14‬:‭27‬ ‭TPT‬‬

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