Week 12
Hebrews 11
”This testimony of faith is what previous generations were commended for. Faith empowers us to see that the universe was created and beautifully coordinated by the power of God’s words! He spoke and the invisible realm gave birth to all that is seen.“
Hebrews 11:2-3 TPT
Cross references
John 1:3;
Romans 4:17
Page 1569 KC Word of Faith Study Bible.
Faith Eyes
Faith is a law. A law is something that works every time.
Gravity is a law and we understand that it works every time, however the law of lift working on an airplane supersedes gravity.
The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus is the law of faith.
It supersedes the law of sin and death.
As born again believers we are in Christ Jesus and so we are able to operate with faith eyes.
The law of faith is activated or released by words—positive or negative,( watch your words, it’s a matter of law).
If you don’t believe God’s WORD enough to act on its truth before you see the desired result, your faith will be ineffective.
Faith eyes see into the invisible realm and move us to act by speaking His Word. The action proves the faith and releases the power (James 2:24).
To develop this kind of faith, you must put The WORD first place in your life and make it final authority.
Settle it in your heart that,”Whatever The WORD says I am, I am. Whatever The WORD says I can do, I can do!”
Cultivate your capacity to receive by making a quality decision to live by faith no matter what your circumstances say(Galatians 3:11).
Decide to live by love because faith won’t work without it (Galatians 5:6).
Jesus is the Author and Developer of your faith, so receive Him not only as your Savior but also as the Developer or Cultivator of your faith.
You’ll find when your faith begins to grow and you begin to see through the lens of your faith eyes, satan’s dominion in your life will begin to wane.
Circumstances will begin to yield and no longer look so overwhelming.
Faith is your servant(Luke 17:5-9), so believe, speak, and act on God’s WORD, and then watch your faith remove those mountains and cast them into the sea! (Mark 11:22-25)
Action Step
Take a moment and think about what this lesson has said to you about God’s heart.
Don’t rush.
Simply express whatever comes to mind to Him.
Spend time meditating on (thinking about, pondering) God’s WORD, and your capacity to receive faith eyes will grow and set the vision before you.