Week 18
Hebrews 13
”Don’t be obsessed with money but live content with what you have, for you always have God’s presence. For hasn’t he promised you, “I will never leave you, never! And I will not loosen my grip on your life!” So we can say with great confidence: “I know the Lord is for me and I will never be afraid of what people may do to me!”“
Hebrews 13:5-6 TPT
Cross references
Joshua 1:5;
Deuteronomy 31:6,8;
Psalm 56:4;
Psalm 118:6-7
It doesn’t really matter whether you experience more than enough or not enough or anywhere in between.
If we are honest, most of our worries are based on one of the above concerns.
The problem is not what we have or don’t have.
The problem lies in our thinking.
When we become obsessed with our belongings or belonging, our thoughts revolve around that rather than on the One who we belong to.
The love of money has little to do with how much we have or don’t have. It has everything to do with how much of our time is given to thinking about money, belongings or belonging. (I need more or I want more...)
This trickles down to our self-worth. Maybe we feel like we are not enough. Maybe we feel like we don’t have enough friends or enough influence or enough control…
The problem is not with money or power.
The problem is with our thoughts and attention.
Contentment comes from the presence of God. Our confidence comes from knowing who God is and trusting that He is enough.
As we drink up His presence and fill our minds with His good Word, we become contented and confident in the fact that we have and are enough through Jesus.
Everything we ever need is found in His presence. I am not just talking about Spiritual things. God will reveal His wisdom, knowledge and understanding of earthly things to you in His presence also, so that you may live an abundant life here on earth and in the Kingdom.
Action Step
Where are your thoughts?
Write down the first things that come to mind or that you woke up thinking about.
The King of the Universe wants you to bring those things to Him and let go of it.
Just release your hands open with your palms up and say out loud,
God I give__________________________________________
to You right now.
Here it is. Thank You for taking it and handling it. Your Word says if any lacks wisdom let him ask God and that You will give it liberally without judgement. I am asking and now I will sit quietly and listen. Thank You. In Jesus name amen.
Share a comment about anything that surprises you about today’s lesson or something God pointed out to you.