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Writer's pictureJacqie D'Bach

Courage Under Fire

A warrior in battle pose at sunset.
Courage Under Fire



2 Samuel

“Be strong and let us fight with resolve for the sake of our people and the cities of our God. May the Lord do what seems good to Him.” Joab advanced the people that were with him to fight against Aram, and they retreated from before him. When the Ammonites realized that Aram had fled, they retreated from before Abishai and entered the city. Then Joab turned away from fighting against the Ammonites, and he came to Jerusalem.”

‭‭2 Samuel‬ ‭10‬:‭12‬-‭14‬ ‭MEV‬‬

Courage Under Fire

May the Lord do what seems good to Him.

When, if ever have you prayed a prayer like that?

At first glance it seems like a bold prayer, but if you peel it back a few layers it is the simplest, most trustworthy prayer that one can pray.

If we want to have courage under fire, then we have to completely let go and give everything wholeheartedly to God.

Joab knew that the enemy was too great for him, so he used wisdom as his weapon and fully relied on God. God came through with flying colors and that is exactly what He has planned for us.

Action Step

“He is the Rock; His work is perfect; for all His ways are just. He is a God of faithfulness and without injustice; righteous and upright is He.”

‭‭Deuter­­onomy‬ ‭32‬:‭4‬ ‭MEV‬‬

Reflect on one of God‘s character traits in this verse.

Offer up praise to God.

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