Week 12
Hebrews 11
”Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.“
Hebrews 11:1 MEV
Cross references
2 Corinthians 4:18, 5:7
Faith Speaks
Substance-the real, physical matter of which a person or thing consists and which has tangible, solid presence.
+ physical material from which something is made.
This our faith!
Matter-material substance that constitutes the observable universe and, together with energy, forms the basis of all objective phenomena.
Scientific studies, on the brain, have found that the speech center of the brain controls the whole body nervous system.
(James 3:5-6)
When we speak we set in motion physical, microscopic matter or material into the universe whether positive or negative.
Faith speaks and our body responds to what it hears from our mouth.
Center Pointe Research Institute—
Your voice is recognized by your powerful subconscious mind. Your dialect is unique, from the timbre and tone of your voice, the tempo and the fabulous accent of your primary language.
MRI evidence-neural pathways are increased when people practice self-affirmation (confession of scriptures) casio et al.,2016; Falk et al,2015.
Self-affirmation Theory (Steele,1988)
self-integrity relates-our perceived ability to control outcomes and respond flexibly when our self-concept is threatened. (Cohen and Sherman 2014)
Just like God: when we speak, creation happens according to our faith and not just our natural human faith.
God has made available to us, His faith through Jesus.
God’s own faith was born into us when we accepted and made Jesus Lord of our lives, and by the work of the Holy Spirit we were born again.
We were born of the Spirit of our Father, of the same seed—the incorruptible seed of the Word of God(1Peter1:23).
How do we get our faith seed to grow?
Faith comes by hearing and hearing, by the Word of God (Romans 10:17).
Build up your most Holy Faith by praying in the Holy Ghost (Jude1:20).
What you feed your mind becomes your mindset.
Mindset is everything-renew your mind as the mind of Christ.
Faith speaks indeed!
We typically know where a person comes from by their accent.
Do you talk in a heaven based faith accent?
Action Step
What are you hoping for?
Give it substance by finding a scripture to stand on and start speaking it out loud!
Thank God right now for providing you with faith to produce and receive His promises.